CB only has two more days left at her Montessori school. It will be a sad week for us as a family as she leaves her friends and teachers. Last month, after we finally made the decision to have CB stay home with me this fall to do Montessori-style homeschooling, I was really in a turmoil of guilt, excitement, and possibility. I was feeling so guilty about taking her out of such a wonderful school and feeling uncertain that she would receive the same great experience with me at home. After being inspired by reading some great online homeschooling blogs (Simple Homeschool, Steady Mom, FIMBY), reading some Montessori homeschooling books, and feeling energized by my recent at-home experience with my kids, I think that I have replaced most of the guilt with excitement and gratitude for the opportunity.
At this time in our family life, I feel blessed by the option to give CB and H time: my time, time to work at their own pace, time to spend together, time to be at home, time to be loved. When I consider what I truly value in my own life, time rises to the top of the list. I am grateful to be able to share that precious gift with my kids.
I ordered the guidebook for Before Five in a Row. B4FIAR is a pre-school homeschooling curriculum based on using young children's literature as a touchstone. The premise is that you read a selected book for a week, five days in a row. The repetition of the story allows the parent and child to explore different topics or themes in the book. There are suggested activities that go along with the selected book directed at exploration in math, science, culture, and language.
I can't wait for the guidebook to arrive and to continue making our Montessori work materials. I have much reading to do and many things to plan. A trip to Michael's is in the works (yeah, with my mom!) and a few evenings of some light woodworking and painting.
This experience is going to require much presence from me in our daily lives. I am excited by the challenge of it all. There's nothing like setting something bold and fabulous in motion to make one rise to the occasion. I think I'm ready.
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